Checking available times

To book a reservation, you need an available time for a customer's desired party size and date. To get back a list of available times, make the following request.

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'accept: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY'
	"data": {
		"availableTimes": [{
				"diningTableSectionId": 0,
				"times": [
				"localTimes": [
				"diningTableSectionId": 3846,
				"times": [
				"localTimes": [
				"diningTableSectionId": 3943,
				"times": [],
				"localTimes": []
	"error": null

This will return a list of section IDs and respected available times for that party (see Sections for more info on sections). All sections configured for the restaurant are returned regardless of availability. If no times are available for a given section, that list will be empty.

See available times API