JUMP TOTransactions APIAuthAuthentication of API KeypostListOrdersGet a List of OrdersgetGetOrderGet a Specific OrdergetListQuarantineOrdersGet a List of Quarantined OrdersgetAccountsEmployee AccountsRetrieve employee accountsgetCreate a new employee userpostRetrieve Employee Account by IDgetUpdates an Employee Account by IDputDelete an employee account by IDdeleteRetrieve all employee rolesgetAssign an employee account to a vendorputUnassign an employee account from an vendordeleteReset an employee account's Code to a new valuepostAppetize PubSubAuthAuthentication of api key.postCreate subscriptionCreate subscription.postOrdering APIOnline OrderingSpotOn Ordering API Base UrlgetAuthentication of API KeypostGet List of VendorsgetGet VenuegetGet MenugetGet Item by IDgetGet Items with Optional Filters SKU, External ID or Item IDsgetGet DiscountsgetGet Venue Information Based on Corporate IdentifiergetCart Calculate v2postCart Checkout v2postGet LevelsgetGet SeatsgetGet FeesgetSpotOn Payment Layer integrationGet Session TokenpostSubmit a PaymentpostRetrieve Token InformationpostOrder RefundsCreate a Full Refund for an OrderpostGet an Order by IDgetRetrieve all employee rolesget https://api-gw.appetize.services/accounts/employee-rolesRetrieves all information about all employee roles.